Adding custom collection to breadcrumbs using metafield

I Create metafield

1) Navigate to “Settings”

2) Click on “Custom Data”

3) Click on “Products”

4) Click on “Add definition” button

5) Type name of metafield and click on “Select type”

6) Choose type “Collection”

7) Should be selected “One collection” and click Save.

II Add Metafield to Products

*Navigate to product detail pages where it should be added.

1) Click on “Main product collection” field

2) Select “Collection”

3) Click Save

III Navigate to your theme customizer

1) Choose “Breadcrumbs product collection”: Custom

2) In “Custom product collection” dropdown list, click on “Connect Dynamic source” icon on the right side

3) Choose your created metafield and click save.

Custom collection will appear in breadcrumbs after all mentioned these actions.

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