
Setting Description
Color scheme Color Scheme allows you to customize every aspect of your theme's colors in the settings. When you apply a color scheme to a specific block, it automatically updates all associated colors for a cohesive and professional look across your website.

The “Select Product” option allows you to add a link to a specific product in your store. When you click on the “Select Product” button, you have two options:

  • If the product has not been created yet, you can click on the “Create product link” button, which will take you to the “Add product” page where you can enter all the necessary information for your product. Once you have saved your changes, you can go back to the original section and your newly created product will be available to select.
  • If the product has already been created, you can select it from the list of products by clicking on the “Select” button next to the product. The chosen product will then appear on the page.
Heading size

Add heading size to product card:

  • Small,
  • Medium,
  • Large
Font weight

Font weight defines the thickness or boldness of text on your store. Available options for product title in the cards:

  • Normal (400): Default weight for body text.
  • Medium (500): Slightly thicker, suitable for emphasized body text or light headings.
  • Semi-Bold (600): Heavier, ideal for subheadings or highlighted text.
  • Bold (700): Strongest weight for maximum emphasis.
Show color variants

Enable this option in each block to show color swatches. This option works with Color Variant Name option.

In the Color Variant Name field (Theme settings — Product cards tab), ensure you enter the name of the variant option, such as “Color.” It should match exactly as it appears in the Product Detail Page in the Shopify Admin Variants section.

Directly on the product card, you can preview different product variant colors and even add a selected variant to your cart. Simply click on the desired color swatch, then hover over the product card and click “Add to Cart”.

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