Scrolling text

Setting Description

To add text to the section, simply enter the text in the provided field.

In the top menu of the field, you can find options to customize the text such as making it bold, italic, or adding a hyperlink.

Text color Text color can be customized by using: Text, Text secondary, and Heading colors, which are defined in the theme settings according to each color scheme. Pick the right color from the dropdown list.
Text size

Choose text size from the dropdown list:

Body, Hero, H₁, H₂, H₃, H₄, H₅, H₆

These sizes are predefined in the Typography tab of Theme Settings.

Font weight

Font weight defines the thickness or boldness of text on your store. Available options:

  • Normal (400): Default weight for body text.
  • Medium (500): Slightly thicker, suitable for emphasized body text or light headings.
  • Semi-Bold (600): Heavier, ideal for subheadings or highlighted text.
  • Bold (700): Strongest weight for maximum emphasis.
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