
Animations allow you to add movement and visual interest to your online store. You can activate a fade-in animation that reveals your store's sections on scroll, and a hover effect for your cards and buttons.

Setting Description
“Reveal sections on scroll”. To activate an animation that reveals your online store's sections as you scroll, select “Reveal sections on scroll”.
To add a hover effect animation to your cards and buttons, select one of the following options from the Hover effect setting:
Vertical lift: When a customer hovers over a card or button, the element shifts upwards.
3D lift: When a customer hovers over a card or button, the element shifts forward, giving it a 3D effect. This also has a subtle shine that moves across the element, giving it another layer of dimension.

The Glide functionality offers interactive animations and customizable corner radius settings for various UI elements, enhancing user experience.

Applicable Elements:

  • Buttons: Includes standard buttons, slider buttons, and buttons with arrow on collection cards.
  • Scroll to Top Button: Provides smooth navigation to the top of the page.
  • Cross Icons: Used for popups, drawers, and dropdown menus.

Corner Radius Customization:

  • Buttons with a less rounded (straighter) corner radius dynamically transform to a more rounded appearance when hovered over.
  • This behavior is fully customizable through the Corner Radius option in the Buttons tab of the theme settings.

Animation Effects:

Hover Animations for Slider Buttons and Buttons with Arrow:

  • The arrow within these buttons “glides” smoothly when hovered over, adding a sleek, interactive effect.

Cross Icon Animations for Popups, Drawers, and Dropdown Menus:

  • The cross icons spin when hovered over, providing a playful yet functional animation.
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