Search behavior

Setting Description
Color scheme

Apply a color scheme to the predictive search popup:

  • After creating your color schemes in the Theme Settings under the Colors tab, you can assign them to various templates, sections, blocks, drawers, and pop-ups across your store.
  • In the settings of each template, section, block, drawer, or pop-up, you'll find a Color Scheme dropdown list.
  • Select the appropriate color scheme to maintain consistency and align with your brand's identity.
Image Add an image to the predictive search popup to display when no products are found or an incorrect search term is entered. The image appears at the top of the predictive search popup, creating a visually engaging element and enhancing the user experience.
Image ratio

Customize the image's display by selecting one of the following ratios:

  • Adapt to Image: Maintains the original aspect ratio of the image.
  • Portrait: Displays the image in a vertical format.
  • Square: Crops the image into a square shape.
  • Landscape: Displays the image in a horizontal format.

Search suggestions

Setting Description
Enable search suggestions This setting allows you to enable or disable search suggestions when you type a text in the search field.

Show product vendor

Visible when search suggestions enabled

This setting allows you to show or hide vendor information in search suggestions. 

Show product price

Visible when search suggestions enabled.

This setting allows you to show or hide price information in search suggestions. 
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