
Setting Description
Cart type

The “Cart type” setting allows you to choose between two styles for how the cart is displayed to users when they click on “Add to cart”. You have two options:

  1. Drawer: When a customer clicks “Add to cart”, a drawer will slide out from the side of the screen, displaying the cart contents and allowing the user to continue shopping or proceed to checkout within the same screen.
  2. Page: When a customer clicks “Add to cart”, they will be redirected to a separate page where they can review and edit their cart contents before proceeding to checkout.
  3. Pop-up notification: This setting specifies the type of cart display, which appears as a pop-up notification when items are added to the cart.
Show vendor Click “Show vendor” to make visible the vendor of products above the product heading.
Enable cart note

Enabling the “Enable cart note” option allows customers to leave important notes related to their purchased products during the checkout process. These notes could include special instructions, requests, or any additional information they want to convey regarding their order.

These notes are valuable for communication between customers and the store's admin. When a customer leaves a note, the admin can view it in the customer's order history or within the order details.

Gift wrapping product Allow customers to add a gift wrapping option directly from the cart page. Select a designated gift wrap product to display, enabling customers to include this service with their purchase.

Cart Drawer

Setting Description
Description Add custom text beneath the “Your Cart” heading. This text can be used to display information about shipping, promotions, or any relevant message for your customers.
Heading (For promoted collection) Add a custom heading for the collection of products displayed in the cart drawer. For example, you could use “Buy This With” or another call-to-action to attract attention.
Promoted collection (Promoted collection for cart drawer). Choose the static collection of products that you want to display in the “You May Also Like” sidebar in the cart drawer to promote a specific collection.
Collection (Visible when cart drawer is empty). The “Collection” setting allows you to specify which collection should be displayed in the cart drawer when it is empty, meaning there are no products in the cart. Customers can click on this collection, and it will take them to the collection page, where they can browse and add products to their cart. This feature can help promote a specific collection to customers who may not have added any products to their cart yet.
Products color scheme

Apply a color scheme to product cards in the “You May Also Like” sidebar.

The color scheme automatically updates all associated colors for product cards.

Image for Empty Cart Drawer Add an image to the cart drawer that will be displayed when there are no products in the cart. The image appears at the top of the cart drawer, providing a visually engaging element for an empty cart.
Image ratio

Customize the image's display by selecting one of the following ratios:

  • Adapt to Image: Maintains the original aspect ratio of the image.
  • Portrait: Displays the image in a vertical format.
  • Square: Crops the image into a square shape.
  • Landscape: Displays the image in a horizontal format.
Color scheme

Apply a color scheme to the entire cart drawer for a cohesive look:

  • After creating your color schemes in the Theme Settings under the Colors tab, you can assign them to various templates, sections, blocks, drawers, and pop-ups across your store.
  • In the settings of each template, section, block, drawer, or pop-up, you'll find a Color Scheme dropdown list.
  • Select the appropriate color scheme to maintain consistency and align with your brand's identity.

Cart Drawer countdown

Setting Description
End date Please refer to the example provided below the field to ensure you correctly input the end date for a discount period. Verify that the end date in the featured product section's countdown bar block matches the one on the product detail page.
When date has passed

When the specified date has passed, use a dropdown menu to choose how the countdown bar behaves:

  1. Show Zeroes: The countdown stops and displays 00:00:00 for all units (days, hours, minutes, seconds).
  2. Hide countdown: The countdown bar is hidden once the date has passed.
  3. Cycle: The countdown resets and starts over from the initial duration, creating a repeating cycle.
Heading Keep the suggested headline, or write a compelling headline about the promotion ending for countdown bar.
Days Keep the suggested label for days, or write your label in the field. 
Hours Keep the suggested label for hours, or write your label in the field. 
Minutes Keep the suggested label for minutes, or write your label in the field. 
Secs Keep the suggested label for seconds, or write your label in the field. 
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