
Preview the “Notification Popup” directly on the page. This popup is triggered automatically after the page loads and appears after a short delay.

Customization Options in Settings:

  • Frequency: Specify how many times the pop-up should appear for a user.
  • Content: Customize the heading and description to match your messaging needs.
  • Color Scheme: Select or set a color scheme that aligns with your design preferences.

By default, the pop-up includes an Email field and a Subscribe button.

Settings Description
Enable test mode  This feature ensures the popup is displayed continuously in the theme editor, allowing you to preview changes in real time.
Color scheme Choose an appropriate color scheme for notification popup from the schemes list. The color scheme includes different colors for the background, heading, button, and other elements in the popup.
Image Upload an image to be displayed on the right side of the pop-up.
Heading This field is for adding a heading to the notification popup. In the top menu of the field, you can find options to customize the heading, such as making its font bold or light, italic, or adding a hyperlink. Furthermore, you can click the dynamic source button to insert a dynamic source for the pop-up's heading.
Font weight

Font weight defines the thickness or boldness of text on your store. Available options:

  • Normal (400): Default weight for body text.
  • Medium (500): Slightly thicker, suitable for emphasized body text or light headings.
  • Semi-Bold (600): Heavier, ideal for subheadings or highlighted text.
  • Bold (700): Strongest weight for maximum emphasis.
Description You can add a text below the email field to inform users about how their data will be used.
Timeout Set a duration for how long to wait before displaying the popup again after it has been dismissed. This helps control the frequency of popup appearances and improves the user experience.
Show dismissed popup times

Enable tracking of how many times a dismissed popup has been shown to users. This feature allows for better understanding of user interaction and popup effectiveness.

Note: If 0 is selected, the message will be displayed continuous.

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