Preset Jewellery

How to Set Up Your Site to Match the Demo Version

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying Theme Styles:

  1. Select the Theme Style
  2. To make your site look like one of our demo versions, first choose the desired style in the theme settings.
  3. Replace the Code in the Following Folders and Files
  4. After selecting the style, you need to replace the code in these folders and files:

Folder sections  


  • header-group.json
  • footer-group.json

Folder templates  


  • 404.json
  • article.json
  • blog.json
  • cart.json
  • collection.json
  • index.json
  • list-collections.json
  • page.about.json
  • page.faq.json
  • page.json
  • page.returns.json
  • page.shipping.json
  • page.terms.json
  • password.json
  • product.json
  • search.json

Use the search function in the documentation to quickly locate the template you need. Press Ctrl + F (or Command + F on Mac) to open the search bar and type the name or keyword of the template. This helps you navigate the documentation efficiently.

Template for Home page

Folder template file index.json

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Template for About us page

Folder template file page.about.json

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Template for Search page

Folder template file search.json

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Template for Collection

Folder template file collection.json

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Template for Collection list

Folder template file list-collections.json

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