Employee main

This is the main block. You can use it to describe the CEO of the company and after him his team. Section looks like collage: CEO — banner view and after employees — columns.

Setting Description
Color scheme When you apply a color scheme to an employee column, it automatically updates all associated colors that were set up in the theme settings according to the created color schemes.
Image Add a photo of a team member.
Banner heading Add a few words as a heading to highlight the achievements or best qualities of the CEO.
Full name Enter the first and last name of the CEO.
Description Provide a brief description of the CEO, including their responsibilities, achievements, and contributions to the company's success.
Job title Provide the job title or role of the team member.
Button label Enter the button label to each employee column. For example, it can be “Connect on LinkedIn”.
Button link You can add a link to the LinkedIn profile of each team member.
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