
Setting Description
Image Choose an icon to be displayed within the column. Click on “Select Image” to access your media library, upload a new image, or explore free images. Also, you can connect a dynamic source by clicking the source button. Once an image is selected, you can use the “Change” button to remove, replace, or delete it.
Heading Provide a title for the column. The field's top menu offers options to customize the text, including bold, italic, or adding a hyperlink.
Heading color

You can adjust the heading color by selecting one of three options:

  • Text
  • Text secondary
  • Heading

Color options are displayed based on the color scheme applied in the Column settings.

Heading gradient

A heading gradient is a stylish effect where text is filled with a gradient instead of a solid color.

The heading gradient replaces heading color.
Heading size

Adjust the font size for column heading. Size can be:

  • Extra small
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Extra large
Font weight

Font weight defines the thickness or boldness of text on your store. Available options for heading:

  • Normal (400): Default weight for body text.
  • Medium (500): Slightly thicker, suitable for emphasized body text or light headings.
  • Semi-Bold (600): Heavier, ideal for subheadings or highlighted text.
  • Bold (700): Strongest weight for maximum emphasis.
Subheading Add a subheading for the column and use the field's top menu options to customize the text, including bold, italic, or adding a hyperlink.
Description Include a description for the column and use the field's top menu options to customize the text, including bold, italic, or adding a hyperlink.
Text color

You can adjust the description color by selecting one of three options:

  • Text
  • Text secondary
  • Heading

Color options are displayed based on the color scheme applied in the Column settings.

Link label

Decide whether the section includes a button:

  • To display the button, enter text into the field as the label.
  • To hide the button, leave the text field empty.
Link (paste a link or search) Input the URL you want the button to direct to, or select a page from the dropdown list of options that appears when you click on the field. Also, you can click the source button to add a dynamic source as a URL.
Borders The column border can be either visible or hidden. To customize, select "None" or "Show borders".

Column settings

Setting Description
Column background image

Choose an image for column background. Click on “Select Image” to access your media library, upload a new image, or explore free images. Also, you can connect a dynamic source by clicking the source button. Once an image is added, you can use the “Change” button to remove, replace, or delete it.

Note: Column background image replaces background color.

Overlay This setting applies an overlay effect to the column using a color gradient with a transparent effect. Set the value greater than zero in the "Image overlay opacity" setting to see the effect of the applied gradient.
Image overlay opacity Use the slider to adjust the overlay opacity of the image or gradient.
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