Blog posts template

Breadcrumbs settings

Setting Description
Show breadcrumbs Enable this option to display breadcrumbs above the banner. This allows users to easily navigate back to the homepage, enhancing the overall user experience.
Breadcrumbs color scheme Choose an appropriate color scheme for the breadcrumbs from the schemes list. The color scheme includes different colors for the background and text.

Banner settings

Setting Description
Banner color scheme

Choose an appropriate color scheme for the banner from the schemes list. The color scheme includes different colors for the background, heading, and other elements in the banner.

*Applying a color scheme automatically updates all associated colors set in the theme settings according to the created color schemes. You can edit colors in this block, but it will impact the other sections and blocks in which the same color scheme is used.  Learn more about color schemes.

Background image Add an image as the background for your banner to enhance its visual appeal and match your overall design.
Banner height

Select the height of the banner:

  • Default: The height is determined by the content, taking into account the section paddings, which can be adjusted as needed.
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Custom title

Using this field, you can create a custom page title that differs from the one assigned when the page was originally created. The field's top menu offers options to customize the text, including bold, italic, or adding a hyperlink. You can also click the dynamic source button to insert a dynamic source for displaying the page title.

Note: Custom title replaces the main title.

If you leave the field empty, the title assigned during creation in the admin panel will be displayed.

Heading size

The heading size setting offers three options to control the size of the heading:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large

With these options, you can easily customize the heading sizes to best match your website's style and create a visually appealing and cohesive design throughout your site.

Font weight

Font weight defines the thickness or boldness of text on your store. Available options for heading:

  • Normal (400): Default weight for body text.
  • Medium (500): Slightly thicker, suitable for emphasized body text or light headings.
  • Semi-Bold (600): Heavier, ideal for subheadings or highlighted text.
  • Bold (700): Strongest weight for maximum emphasis.
Text To add a text after the main section heading, simply enter the text in the provided field. In the top menu of the field, you can find options to customize text. Furthermore, you can click the dynamic source button to insert a dynamic source for the featured collection description.
Top padding The “Top padding” setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the banner using a slider. 
Bottom padding The “Bottom padding” setting functions similarly to the “Top padding” setting, but controls the space at the bottom of the banner. 
Top padding mobile The “Top padding mobile” setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the banner for mobile devices using a slider. 
Bottom padding mobile The “Bottom padding mobile” setting functions similarly to the “Top padding mobile” setting, but controls the space at the bottom of the banner for mobile devices. 


Setting Description
Tags color scheme Choose an appropriate color scheme for the tags from the schemes list. The color scheme includes different colors for the background and text.
Active tag color scheme This setting allows the selection of a color scheme for active tags from the available schemes list. It helps to highlight the currently active tag for easier navigation. The color scheme includes distinct background and text colors for improved visibility.

Blog post card

Setting Description
Posts to show

Use the slider to set the number of blog posts you wish to display on the page.

Note: If there are more blog posts than the selected number, pagination will appear on the page to allow users to navigate through the posts.

Desktop layout

This setting allows you to choose how your blog posts are displayed on desktop screens.

  • Collage: One main post is featured, followed by all the other posts.
  • Grid: All posts are displayed in a grid format.

Note: On mobile devices, the posts are stacked.

Show featured image Enable the setting to showcase the featured image from the blog post page in admin panel on the blog post archive page. If left unchecked, categories, heading, description, and comment count will be visible without an image. Also, we can add a date and an author to show them on the page.
Featured image height

Adjust the image height according to your preferences. Four options to try:

  • Adapt to image
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large 

For best results, use an image with a 3:2 aspect ratio. Learn more

Show description

This setting controls the display of blog post excerpts. From the dropdown menu, choose one of the following three options:

  • None – Excerpts will not be displayed.
  • Show all descriptions – Excerpts will be shown for every blog post.
  • Only first article – Only the excerpt for the first blog post will be shown.

Choose the option that best suits your store’s layout and content presentation.

Show date Enable this option to display the publication date of the blog post.
Show author Enable this option to display the author's name of the blog post.
Show comments Enable this option to display the number of comments on the blog post.
Label for post link Enter the label for link to blog detail page (post). However, if you remove the text, the button won't be visible under each blog post.

Content settings

Setting Description
Top padding The "Top padding" setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the content section using a slider. 
Bottom padding The "Bottom padding" setting functions similarly to the “Top padding” setting, but controls the space at the bottom of the content section using a slider.
Top padding mobile The "Top padding mobile" setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the content section for mobile devices using a slider. 
Bottom padding mobile The "Bottom padding mobile" setting functions similarly to the “Top padding mobile” setting, but controls the space at the bottom of the content section for mobile devices using a slider.

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