Blog post template

Blog post settings

Setting Description
Show breadcrumbs Enable this option to display breadcrumbs above the banner. This allows users to easily navigate back to the homepage, enhancing the overall user experience.
Breadcrumbs color scheme Choose an appropriate color scheme for the breadcrumbs from the schemes list. The color scheme includes different colors for the background and text.
Comment length Use the slider to set the number of words visible in the comment. If the length is set to 0, no excerpt will be displayed. This allows you to control how much of each comment is visible on the page.
Color scheme

Choose an appropriate color scheme for content from the schemes list. The color scheme includes different colors for the background, heading, text, and other elements.

Content is available when is added in Shopify Dashboard/Blog posts/Add blog post/Content field. Check on the screenshot below.

Creating a blog post

  1. Navigate to Online Store > Blog posts in your admin panel.
  2. Click the Add blog post button.

You’ll see a blog posts creation interface similar to the one shown in the screenshot. Here, you can:

  • Add a Title: This will be the main heading of your blog post.
  • Add Content: Input text, images, or other media to create the content of the blog post.
  • Add Tags: In the tags block field, choose from suggested tags or type your own tags. After adding a one tag or a few tags, they appear automatically on the blog detail page.

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