Multirow settings

Setting Description
Image height 
  • Adapt to Image: The height of the image will remain unchanged, preserving their original aspect ratios.
  • Small: Choose a small image height.
  • Medium: Choose a medium image height.
  • Large: Select a large image height.
Desktop image width
  • Small: Choose a small image width.
  • Medium: Choose a medium image width.
  • Large: Select a large image width.

Note: Image is automatically optimized for mobile.

Heading font family:
  • Heading
  • Body

In Theme Settings, you can assign a different font family to headings and body text.

This option allows you to customize the visual style of your heading by selecting heading or body styles.

For some headings, it might be more effective to apply the body text style instead of the designated heading font. This choice depends on how well the font families harmonize and the overall appearance you want to achieve.

Heading size

The heading size setting offers three options to control the size of your section heading:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Text style

You have the option to choose from three different text styles:

  • Body: This style follows the font settings for body text.
  • Subtitle: This style follows the font settings for subtitles.
Button style In Shopify, Button style can be customized by using the primary and secondary button color sets, which are defined in the theme settings. These color sets allow you to style buttons consistently across your store.
Button outline

None: The button has no outline. It appears flat, with just the background color and text, giving it a clean, minimal look.

Outline: The button has a visible border around it, but the background is transparent.

Outline on Hover: The button appears flat without a border or background initially. However, when the user hovers over it, a visible border appears, and the button's background remains transparent.

Desktop content position
  • Top: Position the content at the top of the container.
  • Middle: Vertically align the content in the middle of the container.
  • Bottom: Place the content at the bottom of the container.

Note: Position is automatically optimized for mobile.

Desktop content alignment
  • Left: Align the text to the left within the container.
  • Center: Center the text horizontally within the container.
  • Right: Align the text to the right within the container.
Desktop image placement
  • Alternate from left: Images will alternate their placement starting from the left.
  • Alternate from right: Images will alternate their placement starting from the right.
  • Aligned left: All images will be aligned to the left.
  • Aligned Right: All images will be aligned to the right.
Color scheme You can apply a different color scheme for the entire section to highlight the content container, or it can be the same color scheme.
Container color scheme Applying a color scheme to a content container automatically updates all associated colors set in the theme settings according to the created color schemes. You can edit colors in this block, but it will impact the other sections and blocks in which the same color scheme is used.

Mobile layout

Setting Description
Mobile content alignment

Choose the alignment of content for mobile devices:

  • Left
  • Center
  • Right

Section padding 

Setting Description
Top padding The "Top padding" setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section using a slider. 
Bottom padding The "Bottom padding" setting functions similarly to the “Section top padding” setting, but controls the space at the bottom of the section. 
Top padding mobile The "Top padding mobile" setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section specifically for mobile devices, using a slider.
Bottom padding mobile The "Bottom padding mobile" setting works similarly to the "Top padding mobile" setting but controls the space at the bottom of the section for mobile devices.
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