Buy buttons

Setting Description
Bottom space

You can adjust space after “Buy buttons” block using this option:

  • None
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Show dynamic checkout buttons  Enable dynamic checkout buttons by marking the checkbox. This will display a button that allows customers to proceed directly to Shopify's checkout or a third-party accelerated checkout method, depending on your store's settings.
Show recipient information form for gift card products

This setting enables the display of a recipient information form specifically for gift card products. Customers can choose to send the gift card directly to a recipient, along with a personalized message.

Note: This option is exclusively available for gift cards.

Using the payment methods available on your store, customers see their preferred option, like PayPal or Apple Pay. Learn more

There are two different kinds of dynamic checkout buttons:

  • Unbranded — These buttons display Buy it now text. When a customer clicks an unbranded button, they skip the cart and go to the Shopify checkout.
  • Branded — These buttons show the logo for a third-party accelerated checkout method. When a customer clicks a branded button, they complete their payment with that accelerated checkout method. The following third-party accelerated checkout methods are available:

Only the payment methods that you've activated in your payment settings display as options to your customers. If you don't have a third-party accelerated checkout method activated, then only the unbranded button is displayed.

Example of unbranded dynamic checkout button:

Example of branded dynamic checkout button:

Recipient information form for gift card products


  1. Gift Card Denominations: Select the Gift Card Amount from the dropdown list.
  2. Selector Interaction: Enable the option to reveal the recipient information form.
  3. Form Completion: Fill out the form with the recipient's email address, recipient's name, your personal message, and select the desired delivery date for the gift card.
  4. Add to Cart: Click the “Add to Cart” button after completing the recipient information form.
  5. Cart Drawer Navigation: Once the Cart drawer appears, you have the option to proceed directly to the checkout process.
  6. Checkout Details: Complete the necessary information during the checkout process to finalize the order.
  7. Order Confirmation: After successfully placing the order, an order confirmation will be displayed.
  8. Order Tracking: To track your order and access your order history, navigate to the login section in the header. Enter your login credentials and access your account dashboard to view your orders.

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