A SKU, which stands for Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique alphanumeric code used to identify and track individual products in a store's inventory. SKUs help streamline inventory management, sales tracking, and order fulfillment by providing a distinct identifier for each product variant, making it easier to monitor and control stock levels.

Once you've added the SKU to the necessary Product page, you can display it in the Featured Product section by taking these steps in the theme customizer:

  1. In the theme customizer, go to the Featured Product section.
  2. Within the Product settings, choose and include the specific product.
  3. Integrate a “SKU” block into this section by clicking on “Add to block”.
  4. Customize the text style of the SKU code according to your preferences.

Setting Description
Bottom space

You can adjust space after SKU using this option:

  • None
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Text style
  • Body: Changes the text to paragraph-style text.
  • Subtitle: Changes the text to subtitle text style.
  • Uppercase: Changes the text to be smaller than paragraph-style text, and converts it to all capital letters.
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