Countdown bar

Setting Description
Bottom space

You can adjust space after the “Countdown bar” block using this option:

  • None
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
End date Please refer to the example provided below the field to ensure you correctly input the end date for a discount period. Verify that the end date in the featured product section's countdown bar block matches the one on the product detail page.
When date has passed

When the specified date has passed, use a dropdown menu to choose how the countdown bar behaves:

  1. Show Zeroes: The countdown stops and displays 00:00:00 for all units (days, hours, minutes, seconds).
  2. Hide countdown: The countdown disappears.
  3. Cycle: The countdown resets and starts over from the initial duration, creating a repeating cycle.
Heading Keep the suggested headline, or write a compelling headline about the promotion ending for countdown bar.
Days label  Keep the suggested label for days, or write your label in the field. 
Hours label Keep the suggested label for hours, or write your label in the field. 
Minutes label Keep the suggested label for minutes, or write your label in the field. 
Seconds label Keep the suggested label for seconds, or write your label in the field. 
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