
Share block can be added through “Add block” in the “Featured product” section. You can move this block where it fits the best in this section.

Setting Description
Bottom space

You can adjust space after “Share” block using this option:

  • None
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Text Add text that will call to action. For example, it can be just “Share”.
Show “LinkedIn” button Shows or hides “LinkedIn” icon. The icon leads to LinkedIn and you can share the specific product on your profile.
Show “Facebook” button Shows or hides “Facebook” icon. The icon leads to Facebook and you can share the specific product on your profile.
Show “Twitter” button Shows or hides “Twitter” icon. The icon leads to Twitter and you can share the specific product on your profile.
Show “Pinterest” button Shows or hides “Pinterest” icon. The icon leads to Pinterest and you can share the specific product on your profile.
Show “Telegram” button Shows or hides “Telegram” icon. The icon leads to Telegram and you can share the specific product on your profile.
Show “Snapchat” button Shows or hides “Snapchat” icon. The icon leads to Snapchat and you can share the specific product on your profile.
Show “Tumblr” button Shows or hides “Tumblr” icon. The icon leads to Tumblr and you can share the specific product on your profile.
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