Icon with text

This feature allows you to create a block with an icon and text. Customize the content for the first item as follows:

Setting Description
Bottom space

You can adjust space after “Icon with text” block using this option:

  • None
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Show borders Slide the toggle to the right to add top and bottom lines separating “Icon with text” block from other blocks and content.
  • Horizontal 
  • Vertical


Setting Description
First icon  Choose an icon from the dropdown list to use for the first item.
First image  You can either select an image from the library or upload a new image to replace the default icons for the first item.
First heading  Enter the desired heading text for the first item in the provided field. You can further customize the heading using options in the top menu of the field, such as making it bold or italic.
Second icon  Select an icon from the dropdown list to use for the second item.
Second image  You can either select an image from the library or upload a new image to replace the default icons for the second item.
Second heading  Enter the desired heading text for the second item in the provided field. You can further customize the heading using options in the top menu of the field, such as making it bold or italic.
Third icon  Choose an icon from the dropdown list to use for the third item.
Third image  You can either select an image from the library or upload a new image to replace the default icons for the third item.
Third heading Enter the desired heading text for the third item in the provided field. You can further customize the heading using options in the top menu of the field, such as making it bold or italic.
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