Video settings

General settings 

Setting Description
Heading  A text area for adding the name of the section.
Heading size 

Choose from these options: 

  • Small 
  • Medium
  • Large
Heading position 

Choose from these options: 

  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
Cover image  The image is displayed as a preview of a video before the user clicks on the play button to watch the video. It's like a poster frame for the video.
URL For example, YouTube or Vimeo links to the video. The video must be publicly available.
Video alt text Describe the video to make it accessible for customers using screen readers.

Section settings 

Setting Description
Section top space The "Section top space" setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section using a slider. 
Section bottom space The "Section bottom space" setting functions similarly to the "Section top space" setting but controls the space at the bottom of the section. 
Background color To change the background color of the section, simply click on the circle labeled "Background color" and select an appropriate color from the color picker. This will apply the chosen color as the background for the section, enhancing its visual appearance.
Make section full width Mark this checkbox and video will be displayed on the full width of the section.
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