All section settings (Slideshow banner)

Single Image 

Setting Description
Add parallax effect to a single image You can add a parallax effect to a single image by marking the “Add parallax effect to a single image” checkbox. Once the checkbox is marked, the parallax effect will be applied to the image, creating a dynamic and visually engaging effect on your storefront.


Setting Description
Image opacity This feature allows you to adjust the opacity of the background image overlay using a slider.

Text settings

Setting Description
Text box width The “Text box width” feature allows you to adjust text box width in the section. Use a slider to increase or decrease width of the text box.

Slider settings

Setting Description
Enable slider Enabling the slider feature allows you to create a slideshow with multiple banners that will scroll horizontally. If there is only one banner or slide, the slider feature won't work.
Autoplay Enable or disable automatic playback of the carousel with or without a loop.
Loop When the last banner is shown, the carousel starts over from the beginning. Mark the checkbox to enable this feature.
Slide speed Use the slider to set the speed for the banners to change.
Slideshow delay Use the slider to set the delay between each banner change.
Stop autoplay on hover Mark this checkbox if you want the autoplay to stop when the user hovers over the banners.
Show slider arrows Mark this checkbox if you want to show arrows on the slides of the banners for users to manually navigate the carousel.
Arrows position

There are two options for positioning the arrows: "Center" and "Bottom."

  • If you choose the "Center" option, one arrow will be placed on the left edge of the banner, and the other arrow will be placed on the right edge of the banner, both aligned horizontally in the center of the banner.
  • If you choose the "Bottom" option, two arrows will be positioned on the left side of the banner, near each other, towards the bottom of the banner.

Mobile Layout 

Setting Description
Show slider pagination Marking this checkbox will enable the display of pagination dots at the bottom of the slider on mobile view. The pagination dots indicate which slide the user is currently viewing and how many slides are available in the slider.

Section settings

Setting Description
Section top space The "Section top space" setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section using a slider. 
Section bottom space The "Section bottom space" setting functions similarly to the "Section top space" setting but controls the space at the bottom of the section. 
Background color To change the background color of the section, simply click on the circle labeled "Background color" and select an appropriate color from the color picker.
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