Blog post settings (Article page)

Setting Description
Post style 

There are three styles:

  • Breadcrumbs center aligned
  • Breadcrumbs left aligned
  • Large title 
  • Large title with outline
Show breadcrumbs Enabling the “Show breadcrumbs” checkbox will make the breadcrumbs visible on the page, allowing users to easily navigate to previous pages. Additionally, it allows for the use of two post styles, which may provide additional customization options.
Show “Back to blog” button Enabling the 'Show “Back to blog” button' option will display a button on the blog post page that allows the user to easily navigate back to the main blog page.
Button color style

This feature allows you to customize the color style of buttons. You have two options to choose from:

  • Primary
  • Secondary

This setting can be applied to buttons, links, and underlined links within the section.

*To choose or change the colors for these button styles, go to the “Colors” tab in the theme settings and locate the “Primary button” and “Secondary button” blocks. By changing the colors in the theme settings, the new color style will be applied throughout the entire theme.

Section settings

Setting Description
Section top space The "Section top space" setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section using a slider. 
Section bottom space The "Section bottom space" setting functions similarly to the "Section top space" setting, but controls the space at the bottom of the section. 
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