Blog card settings

Setting Description
Show featured image When the checkbox is selected, the featured image will be visible along with the title of the blog post. If the checkbox is not selected, only the title of the blog post will be visible without the featured image.
Image ratio

Image ratio can be:

  • 'Adapt to image' uses the aspect ratio of the images. This prevents the images from being cropped.
  • 'Landscape' crops the images to use a 3:2 ratio
  • 'Square' crops the images to use a 1:1 ratio
  • Height 11 to width 10: With a height set to 11 and a width set to 10, the image appears slightly taller than a perfect square, maintaining a ratio of 11:10.
  • 'Portrait' crops the images to use a 2:3 ratio
  • 4:3: This option crops images to a 4:3 ratio, providing a standard rectangular display.
Corner radius Use the slider to adjust the degree of straightness or roundness of the card's image.
Heading font

Enables to choose heading font:

  • 'Heading' settings for the font as for heading-font
  • 'Body' settings for the font as for body-font

*Change the font family, font size, font weight of heading or body style in Theme settings /Typography. Any change in the Typography tab of theme settings will affect the whole theme.

Heading font size

Blog card heading font size can be :

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large

*Works with heading font. Choose which heading font style is better for your chosen heading size.

Heading font weight Control the thickness or boldness of the heading by selecting the appropriate text weight.
Bottom space Choose a large or small space after heading according to your design preferences.
Show date Shows the date that the blog post was published.
Show author Shows the author of the blog post.
Show date and author above heading Shows date and author of the blog post.
Show description Show description of the blog post under the heading.
Description font size

Blog card description font size can be :

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Truncate words You can choose how many words to show in the description after heading. Available from 2 to 48 words.
Show “Continue Reading” Check this box to display the “Continue Reading” button. Visitors will be able to click on the “Continue Reading” button to view the full post on its own page. 
Button label “Continue Reading” You can use the recommended label of the button or enter yours.
Button color style

This feature allows you to customize the color style of buttons. You have two options to choose from:

  • Primary
  • Secondary

This setting can be applied to buttons, links, and underlined links within the section.

*To choose or change the colors for these button styles, go to the “Colors” tab in the theme settings and locate the “Primary button” and “Secondary button” blocks. By changing the colors in the theme settings, the new color style will be applied throughout the entire theme.

Blog card style

There are two styles:

  • Date and author title uppercase
  • Date and author title capitalize 
Blog card on hover

There are four options available:

  • Default: This option causes the image to zoom slightly when hovered over.
  • Italic and link color: This option is similar to the default, but it also changes the font color of the links on the card to a different color and applies an italic style.
  • Rounded image and heading color: This option rounds the corners of the image and changes the heading font color to a different color.
  • Rounded image and heading icon: This option rounds the corners of the image and adds an arrow icon to the heading.
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