Password header

Setting Description
Background color

This setting allows you to change the background color of the password page. You can choose from the available options:

  • Main background 
  • Section background 1
  • Section background 2
  • Section background 3
  • Section background 4
Text color

You can choose text color for the password page:

  • Main 
  • Secondary
Logo image You can add a logo image to the password page. Choose from the library, free images, or upload a new image. Now you can also upload an SVG file.  
Custom logo width  This setting allows you to set the width of your logo (in pixels) to fit the size of the page. 
Logo position

You can choose the position of the logo. The available options are:

  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
Background image You can add a background image to the password page that will be visible in the right top corner. Choose from the library, free images, or upload a new image.
Background image reflection If you have added a background image to the password page, you can enable this setting to show the reflection of the image at the bottom left of the page.
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