Promo pop-up (Subscribe)

The Promo pop-up is a fixed section above the footer. 

Promo pop-up Subscribe  Settings 
Show promo pop-up Tick the checkbox to show a pop-up for customers.
Enable test mode  This feature allows showing a popup example in the theme editor only. If you want to see all your changes in a pop-up inside the theme editor, tick the checkbox.
Test mode popup type

Select the type of popup you want to see in test mode:

  • Popup subscribe
  • Popup discount

Choose two styles of pop-up:

  • Pop-up Subscribe: A pop-up containing a form where you can subscribe immediately.
  • Multi-step: A pop-up initially displaying a subscribe button. Upon clicking the button, a subsequent pop-up appears for subscribing.
Image Select image from the library, free images, or upload a new image to the library.
Image width 

Choose what width of the column will take the image:

  • Small
  • One-fourth
  • One-third width of column
  • Half width of column
  • Two-thirds width of column
  • Full width of column
Image ratio

Image ratio is the ratio of its width to its height.

It can be:

  • Adapt to image: Uses the aspect ratio of the images. This prevents the images from being cropped.
  • Portrait: Crops the images to use a 2:3 ratio.
  • Square: Crops the images to use a 1:1 ratio.
  • Landscape: Crops the images to use a 3:2 ratio.
Heading Type the text for the heading and set up the font view. 
Description Type the text for description and set up the font view. 
Heading color

The "Heading color" setting allows you to set up the color of heading. Three options: 

  • Main
  • Secondary
  • Heading
Heading size You can choose size from H1 to H6.
Description font size Choose size for the description: Large, Medium, Small, and Extra small.
Button color style 

This feature allows to change button color style:

  • Primary 
  • Secondary 

This setting can be applied to buttons, links, and underlined links within the section.

*To choose or change colors for button styles, go to the theme settings in "Colors" tab to block "Primary button and secondary". Changing colors in theme settings will affect the whole theme.

Button style

You can choose from seven different button styles:

  • Default button: This is the standard button style with a solid background color and text.
  • Default button with icon
  • Outline button: This style features a transparent background with a colored outline and text.
  • Outline button with icon
  • Inline button: The inline button style blends seamlessly with the surrounding text, appearing as a link with the same color.
  • Inline button with underline: Similar to the inline button style, this option adds an underline to the text, making it more noticeable.
  • Inline button with underline on hover — this option adds an underline to the text on hover.
Button icon For example, you can add an arrow on the button. Add the icon through select an image and choose from a library or uploading a new file. You can upload an SVG file.
Customer tag This is a tag that allows you to understand exactly which pop-up the user registered for, whether it is, for example, a pop-up on which he received a discount code or other information. To see this tag, go to the Shopify admin panel / Customers and open some user’s information, on the right side in Tags section you will see this tag.
Timeout The “Popup timeout” setting allows you to set the time delay for the pop-up to appear on the screen after a user lands on the webpage. You can choose the time duration in seconds.
Show dismissed popup times The “Show dismissed popup times” setting allows you to set the number of times a dismissed pop-up should reappear if the user closes it without filling in any information.
Background color Choose the background color for the pop-up by clicking on the circle and selecting a color. 
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