Heading settings (Banner)
Setting | Description |
Show heading | If you want to show the heading, mark the checkbox “Show heading”. If you want to hide the heading, remove mark from the checkbox. |
Heading | To add a section heading, simply enter it in the provided field. In the top menu of the field, you can find options to customize the heading such as making it bold, italic, or adding a hyperlink. *The checkbox “Show heading” needs to be marked to use this feature. |
Letter spacing | You can set letter spacing for heading using a slider. |
Heading color | The “Heading color” setting allows you to set up the color of the heading. Three options:
Heading style | This setting lets you select between “Default” or “Uppercase” for the text style of the breadcrumbs. “Default” preserves the original capitalization of the text, while “Uppercase” transforms the text into all uppercase letters. |
Color-changing text | To change the colors of words that are not next to each other, use a comma. Choose a color from the color palette below this option. |
Custom color | Highlight individual words using different color. |
Enable custom heading size | Mark the checkbox if you need to use custom font size. |
Custom heading size | This feature allows you to adjust the font size of the heading in a section. Use the slider to set the font size to your desired value. *The checkbox “Enable custom font size” needs to be marked to use this feature. |