Image settings (Banner)

Setting Description
Show image If you want to show the image, mark the checkbox “Show image”. If you want to hide the image, remove mark from the checkbox.
Image (desktop, tablet) Choose an image from your media library, upload a new one, or search for free stock images using the "Explore free images" option.
Image for mobile

Choose an image from your media library, upload a new one, or search for free stock images using the "Explore free images" option.

*If the image is not selected in “image for mobile” block, the image will be the same as on the desktop version.

Image size  The "Image size" feature allows you to choose between "Contain" and "Cover" options to adjust the size of the image. 
Image position mobile The “Image position” feature allows you to choose between "Cover" and "Top" options to make image as background image for text or to put the image in top block before text. 
Image overlay opacity This feature allows you to adjust the opacity of the background image overlay using a slider.
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