Password email signup

Section Settings 

Setting Description
Content align

This setting allows you to align the “Password Email Signup Form” section. Choose from:

  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
Make section full width This setting works with the Content Alignment function. When checked, it makes the section full width. The effect can be observed when the Content Alignment is set to left or right.

Heading block 

Setting Description
Heading  This setting allows you to enter a heading for the Password Email Signup Form section.

Subheading block 

Setting Description
Description  Add a description to expand the content of the heading. The top menu of the field provides options to customize the text.

Email form block

Description Enter a description inside the form.
Input placeholder Enter a placeholder for the email field.
Submit button text Enter a label for the “Submit” button.
Submit button color style

This feature allows you to customize the color style of buttons. You have two options to choose from:

  • Primary
  • Secondary

This setting can be applied to buttons, links, and underlined links within the section.

*To choose or change the colors for these button styles, go to the “Colors” tab in the theme settings and locate the “Primary button” and “Secondary button” blocks. By changing the colors in the theme settings, the new color style will be applied throughout the entire theme.

Show “Enter store” button Check this box to display an “Enter store” button. This button leads to the “Enter store using password” form with “Password” field.
Show “Enter store” button icon Check this box to display an icon on the left of the “Enter store” button.
“Enter store” button text Enter a label for the “Enter store” button.
“Enter store” button color style

This feature allows you to customize the color style of buttons. You have two options to choose from:

  • Primary
  • Secondary

This setting can be applied to buttons, links, and underlined links within the section.

*To choose or change the colors for these button styles, go to the “Colors” tab in the theme settings and locate the “Primary button” and “Secondary button” blocks. By changing the colors in the theme settings, the new color style will be applied throughout the entire theme.

"Enter" button color style

Click on “Enter Store” button and Enter button will be visible to use settings. This feature allows to change button color style:

  • Primary 
  • Secondary 

This setting can be applied to buttons without outline style or with.

Show social media Shows icons (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter) on the page. 
Small text Enter text to display at the end of the email form.
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