Card settings

Setting Description
Image ratio

Landscape: This option crops the images to a 3:2 ratio, where the width of the image is 1.5 times the height. It is ideal for images that have a wider or landscape orientation.

Portrait: This option crops the images to a 2:3 ratio, where the height of the image is 1.5 times the width. It is suitable for images that have a taller or portrait orientation.

Square: This option crops the images to a 1:1 ratio, where the width and height of the image are equal. It creates a square-shaped display for your images.

Height 11 to width 10: When the height is set to 11 and the width is set to 10, it means that the image will have a slightly taller appearance compared to a perfect square. The height will be slightly greater than the width, maintaining the ratio of 11:10.

Show badges Shows badges on the images.
Heading font

Enables to choose heading font:

  • ‘Heading’ settings for the font as for heading-font
  • ‘Body settings for the font as for body-font

*Change font family, font size, and font weight of heading or body style in Theme settings /Typography. Any change in the Typography tab of theme settings will affect the whole theme.

Heading font size

Card description font size can be :

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Description font size

Card description font size can be :

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
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