Complementary products

To add complementary products, use the Search & Discovery app. Learn more

Complementary products are those that are frequently purchased alongside a selected product. By showcasing complementary products, you can assist customers in discovering new items and boost your online store sales.

Setting Description
Heading Enter a heading for the section, such as "Pairs well with."
Font weight Adjust the thickness or weight of the font used for displaying prices.
Show as collapsible row: When enabled, the section will be displayed as a collapsible row that can be expanded to view the additional products.
Maximum products to show Choose the maximum number of complementary products you wish to showcase. You can select a value ranging from 1 to 10.
Number of products per page:  Determine the number of complementary products you want to exhibit per page of the slider. You can specify a value between 1 and 4.
Pagination style:

The slider navigation style, located below the images, can be customized to suit your preference:

  • Dots
  • Counter
  • Numbers
Card settings:
Image ratio 

Portrait: This option crops the images to a 2:3 ratio, where the height of the image is 1.5 times the width. It is suitable for images that have a taller or portrait orientation.

Square: This option crops the images to a 1:1 ratio, where the width and height of the image are equal. It creates a square-shaped display for your images.

Show quick add button  When enabled, a quick add button will be displayed on the product card. The “Quick add button” enables customers to swiftly add a product to their cart directly from the product card. In the case of products with variants, the button changes to “Choose options” allowing customers to select their preferred variants. A pop-up window will display the product details, where customers can customize their options, and add the product to the cart.
Quick add button label  Enter the text that will be displayed on the quick add button.
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