Inventory status block

To configure the Inventory status, follow these steps on the product detail page for each product variant:

  1. Check the 'Track quantity' checkbox.
  2. Set the product locations.
  3. Add the quantity of products in the specified location.

If 'Track quantity' is not checked, the Inventory status in the product variant will not be displayed.

The Inventory status can have different values:

  • If the quantity of products is 0, the inventory status will be "Out of stock."
  • If the quantity of products is 0, but the 'Continue selling when out of stock' checkbox is marked, the inventory status will be "In stock" without counting the quantity.

To view, control, and change inventory, click on Inventory in the 'Products' tab and set it here.

Setting Description
Text style

You have the option to choose from three different text styles:

  • Body: This style follows the font settings for body text, with a font size of 16px.
  • Subtitle: This style follows the font settings for subtitles, with a font size of 18px. Additionally, you can use the rich text “description” field to apply the title case to the subtitle.
  • Upper Case: This style transforms all letters in the text to uppercase.
Low inventory threshold  Set the threshold for what is considered "low" inventory. When the quantity falls below this threshold, the low inventory status will be triggered.
Show inventory count  This setting determines whether the inventory count will be displayed. However, if you remove the checkmark (disable this setting), inventory status will be displayed instead of showing the specific inventory count. Inventory status can be: ‘In stock’, ‘Low stock’, or ‘Out of stock’.

Low inventory threshold 

When the quantity of the product variant in stock is less than the specified quantity on the slider settings, you will see this view:

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