Breadcrumbs settings

Setting Description
Highlight the active link You can choose a different color to make the active link (active page) stand out from the rest of the breadcrumbs.
Font family

Heading: This option lets you select the font family used in headings for breadcrumbs across the website.

Body: This option lets you select the font family used in body text for breadcrumbs throughout the website.

Text style This setting lets you select between “Default” or “Uppercase” for the text style of the breadcrumbs. “Default” preserves the original capitalization of the text, while “Uppercase” transforms the text into all uppercase letters.
Text size Here, you can specify the text size used for the breadcrumbs. Adjusting the text size ensures it's visually consistent with the rest of your website's design and layout.
Font weight This option allows you to change the font weight for the breadcrumbs. Font weight refers to how thick or thin the characters in the text appear. You can select a font weight from the dropdown menu provided, with options.
Active link font weight Similarly, this setting lets you specify the font weight for the active link (active page) within the breadcrumbs.
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