Creating collections

Instruction on creating and organizing collections. 

To get more detail info how to create collections, go to Shopify documentation.

To create a collection of products in a Shopify theme, follow these steps:

  1. Access Collections: From your Shopify admin dashboard, navigate to the "Products" section.
  2. Create Collection: Once in the "Products" section, select "Collections."
  3. Add Collection: Click on the "Create collection" button.
  4. Enter Collection Details: Provide a name for your collection and, if necessary, a description to help customers understand what the collection includes and one image to represent the entire collection.
  5. Choose collection type: 
  • Manual Collection: Add products to this collection one by one. You can do this by searching for products or selecting them from a list. This method gives you full control over which products are included in the collection and allows for precise customization.
  • Automated Collection: With this collection type, products are automatically added based on conditions you set. By defining criteria such as product tags, titles, or types, existing and future products that meet these conditions will be included in the collection. This step is optional but can be useful for organizing large product inventories. To add products to collections using conditions, you need to set these conditions on each product page by specifying some attributes such as product type, vendor, product category, or product tags. This allows you to create different collections based on these conditions, ensuring that products are automatically included in the appropriate collections according to the defined criteria.
  1. Save Collection: Once you've configured the collection to your liking, click "Save" to create it.
  2. Organize Collection: Arrange the order of products within the collection if desired by dragging and dropping them into the desired sequence.
  3. Publish Collection: Once you've added products and organized the collection, make sure to click "Save" or "Publish" to ensure the changes are applied and the collection is visible on your online store.

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