Footer settings

Setting Description
Color scheme

Apply Color Scheme:

  • After creating your color schemes in theme settings — 'Colors' tab, you can apply them to footer.
  • In footer settings, you'll see a Color scheme dropdown.
  • Select the appropriate color scheme for the footer, ensuring consistency with your brand's identity.

Setting Description
Headings font size

Choose the font size for headings:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large

Setting Description
Logo Enable this option to display the logo on the page.
Desktop logo width Adjust the width of your logo. This helps you ensure that your logo appears appropriately sized and visually appealing.

Social media icons 

Setting Description
Show social media icons The setting displays icons for social media accounts. You can enter a profile link in the “Social accounts” tab within the theme settings.
Icons style
  • Default: Icons have less rounded borders and appear square-shaped.
  • Rounded: Icons are displayed in a circular shape.
Social media icons label Add a label to emphasize your social media.

Email sign up

Setting Description
Show email signup Enable this option to display the email signup form where customers can subscribe to your newsletter and marketing. If this option is not enabled, the other form settings will not be visible. 
Show newsletter top Mark the checkbox to align the email sign-up form with the logo and social icons. If the checkbox is unchecked, the newsletter form will be placed on the same level as the menu items.
Heading Provide a heading to encourage customers to sign up.
Description Provide an additional info into a description filed to encourage customers to sign up.

Folow on Shop

Follow on Shop allows customers to follow your store on the Shop app. When a customer follows your store, they can receive personalized recommendations and notifications about your products. This helps you to create a more personalized shopping experience for your customers. Learn more how to add “Folow on Shop” button to your store.

After you activate the Follow on Shop” button, it displays in your footer. The location of your “Follow on Shop” button depends on the other settings that you've turned on in the footer, such as email sign up and social media icons.

Show or hide the button on the page, using the option "Enable Follow on Shop”.

Country/region and language selectors

Setting Description
Enable country/region selector (To add a country/region, go to your market settings)

If you add a country selector to your theme, then your customers can choose their country or region from a dropdown list of countries and regions that you've added in your Shopify Payments settings. The local currency is also displayed in the dropdown list beside each country or region.

*If your store is on the Shopify Plus plan, then your store automatically sets your customers' country or region and currency based on their IP address.

Enable language selector (To add a language, go to your language settings)

Providing content in your customers' native language can improve sales by making it easier for them to understand your marketing, product details, shipping, and return policies. This is particularly important for international customers. To enable multiple languages on your Shopify store, you can create separate URLs for each translated version of your content. When a customer lands on a translated URL, your store will automatically display the corresponding translated version, if available. 

*Make sure that you have a multi-setup of languages in your store settings.


Setting Description
Subtext (here can be some note) To add text, simply enter the text in the provided field. In the top menu of the field, you can find options to customize text such as making it bold, italic, or adding a hyperlink. 

Payment methods

Setting Description
Show payment methods Shows the icons for all payment methods that are available in your store. Payment methods should be set up in Theme Store/Settings/Payments section, and then they will be visible in footer.

Policy navigation

To add store policies, go to your policy settings.

Setting Description
Color scheme Applying a chosen color scheme to policy navigation from a suggested list of color schemes automatically updates all associated colors for a cohesive and professional look across your website.
Show policy links Enable this option to add policy links into your theme under the footer.
Policy top padding The “Top padding” setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the policy container using a slider. 
Policy bottom padding The “Bottom padding” setting functions similarly to the “Section top padding” setting, but controls the space at the bottom of the policy container.


Setting Description
Top margin You can set space between footer and multicolumn section in footer settings. It can be with space or without.

Section padding

Setting Description
Top padding The 'Top padding' setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section using a slider. 
Bottom padding The 'Bottom padding' setting functions similarly to the “Section top padding” setting, but controls the space at the bottom of the section. 
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