Hotspot product
Settings | Description |
Color scheme | Color Scheme allows you to customize every aspect of your theme's colors in the settings. When you apply a color scheme to a specific block like hotspot product, it automatically updates all associated colors for a cohesive and professional look across your website. |
Product | Select product for hotspot product item, and it will be shown in the card. |
Product style | Choose style for product:
Custom bullet icon | Enhance visual appeal by replacement the standard colored bullet with an icon of your choice. |
Bullet color | Adjust the color of the plus symbol in a bullet. |
Bullet background | Change the background color of the bullet. |
Horizontal position and vertical position | Set up the position of hotspot on the image. By adjusting the horizontal position, you can move the hotspot left or right on the image, aligning it to the desired location horizontally. Similarly, by modifying the vertical position, you can move the hotspot up or down on the image, positioning it at the desired location vertically. |
Horizontal position and vertical position (mobile) | You can customize the position of the hotspot on the image for mobile devices. |
Bubble position | Change the bubble position on hover: top, bottom, left, right. |
Hide item mobile | When this option is marked, the hotspot product items will only be visible on desktop and tablet devices, and they will be hidden on mobile devices. |
On mobile, you can scroll the image to view the entire image and all hotspot items.