Customer accounts pages settings

We have seven accounts pages

When you click on any of these pages, the settings allow you to customize their appearance. The settings in the left panel are the same for each page.

You can adjust individually from other pages settings for login, register.

For Customer order and customer addresses, you need to log in at first to see these pages.

For login page you will see these settings:

Setting Description
Image Choose an image that will enhance the visual appeal of the login process for customers.
Color scheme You can apply a different color scheme for the entire section to highlight container with form and image.
Container color scheme When you apply a color scheme to a container with form and image, it automatically updates all associated colors that were set up in the theme settings according to the created color schemes. You can also edit colors in this block for a cohesive and professional look across your website.

Section padding

Setting Description
Top padding The 'Top padding' setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section using a slider. 
Bottom padding The 'Bottom padding' setting functions similarly to the “Section top padding” setting, but controls the space at the bottom of the section. 

*For others pages, you will see these settings (Register, Customer account, Customer order, Addresses)

Setting Description
Color scheme You can apply a selected color scheme to the entire section.
Container color scheme When you apply a color scheme to a container with a form, it automatically updates all associated colors set up in the theme settings according to the created color schemes. You can also edit colors in this block to maintain a cohesive and professional appearance across your website. On customer account pages, the color scheme can be customized for containers such as order history and view addresses. Similarly, on the addresses page, the color scheme for address containers can also be adjusted.

Section padding

Setting Description
Top padding The 'Top padding' setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section using a slider. 
Bottom padding The 'Bottom padding' setting functions similarly to the “Section top padding” setting, but controls the space at the bottom of the section. 
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