Custom content

Setting Description
Row title You can add a title that will be displayed in the left column. (For example, title — Noise level)
Product 1 custom content Add content related to your title, for example, “Noise level” of first product — 4. Custom content here, number “4”.
Product 2 custom content Add content related to your title, for example, “Noise level” of second product — 3. Custom content here, number “3”.
Product 3 custom content Add content related to your title, for example, “Noise level” of third product — 3. Custom content here, number “3”.

To create the next row of the table, you can add Custom content block a lot of times and fill information related to three products through fields in settings. As we can see on the table below, “Application”, “Mileage warranty”, and “Tread pattern” rows are added through Custom content block.

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