Collapsible row

Setting Description
Heading  Type heading of collapsible row.
Icon Choose an icon from the list of default icons to make your content more captivating.
Custom icon You can download your own icon to collapsible row.
Row content Add a content under item heading. In the top menu of the field, you can find options to customize the text such as making it bold, italic, or adding a hyperlink. Additionally, you can also create bullet or numbered lists for your description.
Row content from page Row content can be added from the created page in admin panel in Pages tab. You can choose a page from the list with pages.
Open collapsible row Mark the checkbox if you want to display the content of the FAQ item without clicking on the checkmark.

If you add a row content by typing text and pressing Enter to place text in the next row, you will get a view similar to the screenshot below.

But we can get a unique appearance of content tab using a connect dynamic source


  1. Click on connect dynamic source

  1. Here we need to choose Product template to see created metafields before

  1. And after add items one at a time

For example, here we have added 4 metafields to get such view

To create content in such way, please follow the instruction “Creating metafield”

  1. Navigate to “Settings”

  1. Click on “Custom Data”

  1. Click on “Products”

  1. Our filter is in “Assigned to all products” tab. To create a new metafield, click on add definition.

  1. Detail page of this metafield

  1. On each product detail page, you will see your created metafields. They will be empty, you just need to type the content and after click save.

Our Example — product detail page of one of the product.

  1. Each tab include its own metafields that are added on every detail page of products.

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