Promo item

A promo item is a small banner with a background image that covers the text. You can use it to display important information, information about products on sales or whole collection on sale, you can add a link to all products or collections from a specific collection, link to a specific product with discount.

Settings  Description 
Color scheme Each color scheme can set different color for heading, description and link. (For example, one promo item block can have dark image and better to use color scheme with the light color for content, another promo item block can have light image and better to use color scheme with the dark color for content).
Position in grid

Set the position of the promo item in a products grid. The promo item cannot be the last one after the products; it can be shown first before the products or between the products in the grid. Note that in some collections, the promo item may not be visible depending on the number of products on a specific collection page and the chosen position for the promo item.

*On the page can be added maximum two product items blocks.

Background image Add a background image to enhance the visual appeal of your section. This image will be displayed behind the content, creating a more engaging and visually appealing experience for your users. Make sure the image is high-quality and relevant to the content to ensure the best presentation.
Image overlay opacity The “Image overlay opacity” setting allows you to adjust the transparency of the overlay that is applied to images on your website. Use the slider to make changes.
Title Enter a captivating heading for the promo item to catch the customer's attention.
Description  You can add an important info to expand title.
Link label You can add a link label to a call to action. After adding the label, the link appears automatically, and it will lead to the page you add.
Link To set a link, you can enter the link URL directly into the “Link” field or select a page from the dropdown list of options that appears when you click on the field.
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