Setting | Description |
Color scheme | Choose a color scheme from the list of created color schemes. Applying the color scheme to a countdown block automatically updates all associated colors for background, text, heading, and numbers. |
Countdown label | Keep the suggested headline, or write a compelling headline about the promotion ending. |
Label font weight | Select the font weight for your countdown label:
Numbers size | Set the size for numbers:
End date | Please refer to the example provided below the field to ensure you correctly input the end date for a discount period. Verify that the end date in the featured product section's countdown bar block matches the one on the product detail page. |
When date has passed | When the specified date has passed, you can decide how to handle the countdown bar from a dropdown menu:
Days label | Keep the suggested label for days, or write your label in the field. |
Hours label | Keep the suggested label for hours, or write your label in the field. |
Minutes label | Keep the suggested label for minutes, or write your label in the field. |
Seconds label | Keep the suggested label for seconds, or write your label in the field. |