
Setting Description
Color scheme Color Scheme allows you to customize every aspect of your theme's colors in the settings. When you apply a color scheme to a specific block like column block, it automatically updates all associated colors for a cohesive and professional look across your website.

Delivery date

Setting Description
Show delivery date Mark the checkbox to make visible delivery date on the product page.
Icon You can add a custom icon that will be displayed on the left side from content in delivery block.
Max date  This setting allows you to specify the maximum delivery date when product can be delivered. 
Heading Enter the heading to indicate the delivery date. It can be: Expected delivery date.
Description Add a short description after the heading. It can be “Usually ready in 2–3 days.” If you expect some delays, you can also write that here as an announcement.

Pickup available

Setting Description
Show pickup availability

Mark the checkbox to see the addresses where is the product available to pick up.

If remove the box, customers will see only expected delivery date.

Icon pickup Add an icon to visually enhance and represent the pickup option.
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