Trending collections settings

For this section, you will need to have created a collection of products. For a short guide on how to create a collection, please refer to the article in this documentation titled 'Creating Collections'.

Limitations of Collections: You can create a maximum of 10 collections.

Heading settings

Setting Description
Heading To add a heading, enter the text in the provided field. In the top menu of the field, you can find options to customize the heading such as making it bold, italic, or adding a hyperlink. 
Heading size

The heading size setting offers three options to control the size of the section heading:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Heading color

The “Heading color” setting offers four options to customize the color scheme of the section heading:

  • Text main color
  • Text secondary color
  • Headings color
  • Headings secondary color
Description  To add a description, simply enter the text in the provided field. In the top menu of the field, you can find options to customize text such as making it bold, italic, or adding a hyperlink or to apply heading style to text. 
Description color 

The “Description color” setting offers four options to customize the color scheme of the description:

  • Text main color
  • Text secondary color
  • Headings color
  • Heading secondary color
Content align mobile

The option allows you to choose the alignment of heading and text for mobile view. The available options are Left, Center, Right.

*This setting does not impact the desktop, or tablet version.

Card settings

Image ratio

The "Image ratio" setting allows you to control how images are displayed on your website based on their width-to-height ratio. You have several options to choose from:

  • Adapt to image: This option uses the aspect ratio of the images, ensuring that they are not cropped and displayed in their original dimensions.
  • Portrait: This option crops the images to use a 2:3 ratio, creating a taller appearance with a width that is 2/3 of its height.
  • Tall view: Sets the image ratio to a taller aspect, making images appear taller than they are wide. Height of image is bigger than portrait image ratio.
  • Square: This option crops the images to use a 1:1 ratio, creating a square-shaped display with equal width and height.
Content align You can use this option to align the card heading to the left, center, or right.
Text font size Choose size for card heading: Extra small, Small, Medium
Text font color 

The “Text font color” setting offers four options to customize the color scheme of card heading:

  • Text main color
  • Text secondary color
  • Heading color
  • Heading secondary color
Text weight Control the thickness or boldness of card heading by selecting the appropriate text weight.

Slider settings

Collections in row Use the slider to adjust how many collections show in a row on the page.
Show arrows mobile Mark the checkbox to display navigation arrows on mobile devices.
Align arrows mobile

Change on mobile the position of arrows at the bottom of the section to fit heading, description, and button at the top of the section:

  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
Arrows color  Choose a specific color for the slider arrows using the color picker in the slider settings. You can either enter the color number manually or select a color from the provided palette. The chosen color will be applied to all arrow icons used within the theme's slider.
Arrows color hover Specify a color for the slider arrows when hovered over.
Arrows background   Set the background color of the slider arrows to match the selected arrow color.
Arrows background hover Define a background color for the slider arrows when they are hovered over.

Section settings 

Setting Description
Background color There are six options: Background main, Background section 1,2,3,4,5. Colors for these backgrounds can be set in the Theme Settings/Colors block.
Background gradient Use the gradient picker to create a custom gradient for your section background.
Top padding The 'Top padding' setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section using a slider. 
Bottom padding The 'Bottom padding' setting functions similarly to the "Section top padding" setting but controls the space at the bottom of the section. 
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