Column block

Setting Description
Image Choose an image of the column. Click on “Select Image” to access your media library, upload a new image, or explore free images. Also, you can connect a dynamic source by clicking the source button. Once an image is picked, you can use the “Change” button to remove, replace, or delete it.
Column width

To adjust column width in your design, you have the flexibility to create a consistent or diverse layout for your sections based on your preference:

  • Adapt to image
  • Small: Ideal for compact content or smaller images, providing a concise and focused presentation.
  • Medium: Suitable for standard-sized content or images, offering a balanced and versatile display.
  • Large: Perfect for showcasing prominent content or large-scale images, making a bold and impactful statement.
Link (paste a link or search) Enter the desired URL for the image click action, or browse the dropdown list of options that appears when you click on the field to select a specific page. Also, you can click the source button to add a dynamic source as a URL.
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