Email signup banner section

Setting Description
Background image Select the image from the library or download it to show it as a background banner for the password page.
Image overlay opacity  This setting controls the level of transparency for the image overlay. You can adjust it to achieve the desired visual effect.
Show background image If you want to hide the image, remove mark from checkbox.
Banner height
  • Adapt to Image: The banner height will automatically adjust to match the height of the image.
  • Adapt to Section: The banner height will adjust to match the height of the section.
  • Small: Choose a small fixed height for the banner.
  • Medium: Choose a medium fixed height for the banner.
  • Large: Choose a large fixed height for the banner.
Content color  Select the color for text elements such as headings and subheadings.
Desktop content position 

Select the vertical alignment of the content:

  • Top: Aligned with the top of the image (left, center, right).
  • Middle: Centered within the height of the image (left, center, right).Bottom: Aligned with the bottom of the image (left, center, right).
Show container on desktop Enable this option by checking the checkbox to enhance the visibility of the content within a container placed on top of the image background.
Desktop content alignment 

You have three alignment options to align content horizontally on desktop:

  • Left
  • Right
  • Center

Mobile layout 

Setting Description
Mobile content alignment 

You have three alignment options to align content horizontally on mobile:

  • Left
  • Right
  • Center

Section settings

Setting Description
Background color Choose background for the whole section, if the background image is not added, it will be instead of it. There are six options: Background main, Background section 1,2,3,4,5. Colors for these backgrounds can be set in the Theme Settings/Colors block.
Background gradient Use the gradient picker to create a custom gradient for your section background.
Container background color  Choose a background for the content container. There are six options: Background main, Background section 1,2,3,4,5. Colors for these backgrounds can be set in the Theme Settings/Colors block.
Container background gradient  Use the gradient picker to create a custom gradient for your container background.
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