Sticky add to cart section

Setting Description
Section style

As you scroll down the page, you have two options for the appearance of the sticky "Add to Cart" section:

  • Default: The sticky "Add to Cart" section will span the full width of the page, typically positioned at the bottom.
  • Right side: The sticky "Add to Cart" section will be a shorter block positioned on the right side of the page.
Image ratio

The "Image ratio" setting allows you to control how images are displayed on your website based on their width-to-height ratio. You have several options to choose from:

  • Adapt to image: This option uses the aspect ratio of the images, ensuring that they are not cropped and displayed in their original dimensions.
  • Portrait: This option crops the images to use a 2:3 ratio, creating a taller appearance with a width that is 2/3 of its height.
  • Square: This option crops the images to use a 1:1 ratio, creating a square-shaped display with equal width and height.
  • Landscape: This option crops the images to use a 3:2 ratio, creating a wider appearance with a width that is 1.5 times its height.
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