Testimonial block

Setting Description
Star rating Choose the number of stars to display for the testimonial. This represents the rating given by the customer.
Star color Select the color of the stars that represent the rating.
Heading Enter the heading of the testimonial.
Heading color

The “Heading color” setting offers four options to customize the color scheme of your testimonial heading:

  • Text main color
  • Text secondary color
  • Headings color
  • Headings secondary color
Image Add an author image to the testimonial. Click on “Select Image” to access your media library or upload a new icon. Once an image is picked, you can use the “Change” button to remove, replace, or delete it. The image will be presented within a circular aspect ratio on the right side of the testimonial.
Text Provide the main content to the testimonial. In the top menu of the field, you can find options to customize the text. 
Text color

The “Text color” setting offers four options to customize the color scheme of your testimonial description:

  • Text main color
  • Text secondary color
  • Headings color
  • Headings secondary color
Author Enter the author of the testimonial.
Author color

The “Author color” setting offers four options to customize the color scheme of the author name:

  • Text main color
  • Text secondary color
  • Headings color
  • Headings secondary color
Background color Select the background color for each testimonial, distinct from the section background.
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