Right image

Setting Description
Image Choose an image to the right side of the section. Click on “Select Image” to access your media library, upload a new image, or explore free images. Also, you can connect a dynamic source by clicking the source button. Once an image is chosen, you can use the “Change” button to remove, replace, or delete it.
Enable custom border radius When this option is turned on, you can adjust the border radius of images.
Border radius Adjust the border radius of images to make them straight, less rounded, or more rounded.

You can add from one to three images on the right side, with two images slightly overlapping the first image.

Icon settings

You can put one icon at the top and another at the bottom to create an interesting view.

Setting Description
Icon Add the icon (it can be brow icon and different shapes) to visually enhance the view of the block and section generally. Different icons can be added to every block through block settings.
Image width  This setting allows you to adjust icon width to ensure it aligns well within the column.
Image vertical position  The setting enables you to control the vertical position of the icon within the image's column. You can adjust icon position vertically using a slider to place it wherever it fits best in the block.
Image horizontal position This setting enables you to control the horizontal position of the icon within the image's column. You can adjust icon position horizontally using a slider to place it wherever it fits best in the block.
Image width mobile This setting lets you adjust icon width on mobile devices separately. It's important for optimizing the visual appearance and layout, as mobile screens have different requirements than desktop screens. Adjustments like decreasing icon width can improve mobile usability.
Image vertical position mobile The setting enables you to control the vertical position of the icon within the image's column. Adjustments like changing placement can improve mobile usability.
Image horizontal position mobile This setting enables you to control the horizontal position of the icon within the image's column. Adjustments like changing placement can improve mobile usability.
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