Collapsible content settings

Setting Description
Color scheme A color scheme consists of a predefined set of colors you can apply to this section for consistent styling. These schemes are created in the Theme Settings and are available across all sections, making customization faster and ensuring a cohesive color system throughout your store. Learn more about color schemes.
Caption Add a brief text or title to describe or highlight the content, placed above the main heading of the section.
Heading This field is for adding a heading to the section. In the top menu of the field, you can find options to customize the heading. Furthermore, you can click the dynamic source button to insert a dynamic source as the title of the section.
Heading size

The heading size setting offers three options to control the size of your section heading:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Description This field is for adding a description to the section. In the top menu of the field, you can find options to customize the text. Additionally, you can use the style of headings from H1 to H6 to the body text. Furthermore, you can click the dynamic source button to insert a dynamic source for the “Collapsible content” description.
Description size

There are three options to control the size of your description:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Button label

Decide whether the section includes a button:

  • To display the button, enter text into the field as the label.
  • To hide the button, leave the text field empty.
Button link Add a URL or page link for the button, directing customers to a specific destination.
Button style

Choose the button’s appearance:

  • Solid: A fully filled button.
  • Outline: A button with a border and no fill.
  • Inline: A minimal button style aligned with the text.
Content alignment

Align the caption, heading, description, and button according to your design preferences:

  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
Image Click on “Select Image” to access your media library, upload a new image, or explore free images. Also, you can connect a dynamic source by clicking the source button. Once an image is selected, you can use the “Change” button to remove, replace, or delete it.
Image ratio
  • Adapt to image: This option uses the natural aspect ratio of the images, ensuring they are displayed without cropping.
  • Small: This option adjusts the images to a smaller, uniform size, potentially cropping them to fit.
  • Large: This option adjusts the images to a larger, uniform size, potentially cropping them to fit.
Desktop layout
  • Left: caption, heading, description and button on the left, collapsible row on the right;
  • Top: caption, heading, description and button at the top;
  • Right: caption, heading, description and button on the right, collapsible row on the left.
Container layout
  • No container
  • Row container
  • Section container
Container color scheme A color scheme consists of a predefined set of colors you can apply to this section for consistent styling. Learn more about color schemes.
Open first collapsible row Enable this setting to automatically open the first collapsible row by default when the section is loaded.

Section padding

Setting Description
Top padding The 'Top padding' setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section using a slider. 
Bottom padding The 'Bottom padding' setting functions similarly to the “Section top padding” setting, but controls the space at the bottom of the section. 
Top padding mobile The 'Top padding (Mobile)' setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section specifically for mobile devices, using a slider.
Bottom padding mobile The 'Bottom padding (Mobile)' setting works similarly to the 'Top padding (Mobile)' setting but controls the space at the bottom of the section for mobile devices.
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