Logos settings

Setting Description
Heading To add a heading, simply enter the text in the provided field. In the top menu of the field, you can find options to customize the heading such as making it bold, italic, or adding a hyperlink. 
Heading size

There are three options to control the size of the section heading:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Heading position

Set the position of the heading in relation to logo images:

  • Left: Places the heading to the left of the logo.
  • Top: Positions the heading above the logo.
  • Right: Places the heading to the right of the logo.
Image hover effect

Choose a style for the hover effect on images:

  • Default
  • Blur
  • Grayscale
  • Blur and Grayscale
Image border radius Use a slider to adjust border radius of logos.
Number of columns on desktop The “Number of columns on desktop” setting allows you to choose the number of logos which will be displayed on larger screens, and on tablets. You can select from 1 to 6.
Color scheme A color scheme consists of a predefined set of colors you can apply to this section for consistent styling. These schemes are created in the Theme Settings and are available across all sections, making customization faster and ensuring a cohesive color system throughout your store. Learn more about color schemes.

Mobile layout

Number of columns on mobile

Choose how content is displayed on mobile devices:

  • 1 Column: Displays content in a single-column layout for a simple and focused view.
  • 2 Columns: Splits content into two columns for a compact and organized layout.
Enable swipe on mobile Turn on this setting to let users swipe through logo images on mobile devices, making navigation smoother and more interactive.

Section padding

Setting Description
Top padding The 'Top padding' setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section using a slider. 
Bottom padding The 'Bottom padding' setting functions similarly to the “Section top padding” setting, but controls the space at the bottom of the section. 
Top Padding (Mobile) The 'Top padding (Mobile)' setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section specifically for mobile devices, using a slider.
Bottom Padding (Mobile) The 'Bottom padding (Mobile)' setting works similarly to the 'Top padding (Mobile)' setting but controls the space at the bottom of the section for mobile devices.
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