Store selector settings

Go to the Header section and in the Store selector activate Show icon.

Settings Description
Enable test mode  This feature ensures the popup is displayed continuously in the theme editor, allowing you to preview changes in real time.
Color scheme Choose an appropriate color scheme for store selector popup from the schemes list. The color scheme includes different colors for the background, heading, button, and other elements in the popup.
Heading This field is for adding a heading to the store selector popup. Furthermore, you can click the dynamic source button to insert a dynamic source for the popup's heading.
Show map image Swipe the button to the right to display the image.
Map image To display a static map image, select the image of the map you want to showcase.

Store block

Settings Description
Color scheme

Choose an appropriate color scheme from the available options for the store block: collapsible row. The selected color scheme will define the following elements in the popup:

  • Background Color: Sets the overall background color for the popup or row.
  • Heading Color: Adjusts the color of the heading text for emphasis.
  • Button Color: Customizes the appearance of buttons, ensuring they stand out for user interaction.
  • Other Elements: Colors for additional elements like borders, text, or icons will also be set according to the selected scheme.
Name Type the name of the store. This will be displayed prominently in the block.
Description Add a brief description or text about the store or product to provide additional context.
Details Include further details about the store address, availability, operating hours.
Image Upload or select an image that represents the store and its products.
Button Customize the text on the button, such as “Find Route” or “Get Directions".
Link Add the Google Maps URL to the button's link field. This should be the direct link to the store's location on Google Maps.

Example of the store selector view

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