Custom collection

You can personalize the collection with a custom image, link label, and choose the button style to match your brand. You can add up to 12 custom collection blocks.

Setting Description
Color scheme Color scheme is related to the banner with collection and its products. To see this view, adjust a number of columns on desktop: 1, find it in general settings of this template. You can add a few custom collections and choose the same or different color schemes.
Collection Select the collection you want to showcase.
Custom image

Upload a custom image to represent your collection, adding a unique visual element to enhance the overall display.

Note: Number of columns on desktop should be 1 to see the banner with added image.

Link label To see the button should be a number of columns on desktop: 1, find it in general settings of this template. Add a link label to the button that appears above the collection image, guiding users to explore more products within the collection.
Button style

Choose the button style for the collection's call-to-action button:

  • Solid: A filled button with a bold appearance.
  • Outline: A button with an outlined border and transparent background.
  • Inline: A text-based button with no visible background or border, typically used for a more minimal look.

Number of columns on desktop: 1

Number of columns on desktop: 2

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